Since the late 1800’s, Lindenlure, Riverdale & Hootentown have been favorite Ozarks rendezvous for sportsmen and camping parties. In the early days, these riverside settlements included bustling mills, general stores, rustic cabins, tan-yards, legal distilleries and an undisclosed number of illegal ones. Favorite pastimes included picnicking, swimming, fishing and floating the scenic Finley and James rivers.
The Lindenlure paddle, inspired by vintage striped canvas stools often used for fishing and camping. Crafted and painted by hand, Sanborn's Canoeist Heritage Paddle, with an elegantly traditional blade shape, are graceful in and out of the water. They’re perfect for lazy turns around the lake or for gracing the wall of your cabin. Heirloom quality, each paddle is a laminated combination of western red cedar, aspen and black walnut, and finished with a durable varnish dip. Made-to-order, please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
- Length: 58"
- Average Weight: 20oz
- Blade Dimensions: 5in x 26in
- Made in the USA